
There is no strict upper limit for the number of people betting on baccarat. In addition to the casino providing seats for 9 people (small table) or 14 people (big table, 7 people on each side of the arc), people standing nearby can also participate in betting freely. However, when the bets of both the banker and the player exceed the red limit of the gaming table, the dealer will count the bets of the banker, player, pair and betting area (commonly known as counting red) before dealing the cards to indicate If the limit amount of the table is exceeded (the limit amount is indicated on each gaming table), the game will start only after the customer reduces the bet to within the limit amount. In addition to setting the maximum limit, each gaming table also has a minimum bet amount.
1. 保守策略:保守策略強調風險控制和選擇性的參與。保守玩家會等待較好的起手牌和有利的局勢,並且主要跟隨和小幅加注。這種策略的優點在於保護籌碼,避免在較弱的牌局中損失過多。然而,保守策略可能錯過一些機會,導致較少的籌碼增長。
2. 激進策略:激進策略則偏向於大幅加注和全下,以壓制對手。激進玩家相信能夠通過強勢的下注來贏取牌局,並透過迫使對手做出困難的決策來取得優勢。這種策略的優點在於可以在對手稍有弱點時取得籌碼優勢,但同時也存在較高的風險,可能導致較大的損失。
3. 混合策略:大多數成功的玩家會採用混合策略,根據牌局的不同情況靈活調整。混合策略可以根據底牌、位置和對手的行為做出不同的下注決策,以最大程度地適應不同的場景。

The game is divided into a series of hands (deals); at the conclusion of each hand, the pot is typically awarded to one player (an exception in which the pot is divided between two or more is discussed below).
A hand may end at the showdown, in which case the remaining players compare their hands and the highest hand is awarded the pot; that highest hand is usually held by only one player, but can be held by more in the case of a tie.
The other possibility for the conclusion of a hand occurs when all but one player have folded and have thereby abandoned any claim to the pot, in which case the pot is awarded to the player who has not folded. (資料來源 )
1. 保守策略的優點:保守策略讓玩家在不太有把握的局勢下減少損失,並能夠更好地避免風險。通過等待更好的牌局,保守玩家有更高的機會把握勝利。
2. 激進策略的優點:激進策略可以給對手帶來壓力,迫使他們做出更困難的決策。這種策略在把握機會時可以迅速累積籌碼,並能在對手犯錯時取得優勢。
3. 混合策略的優點:混合策略的靈活性使玩家能夠在不同的情況下做出最佳決策,不僅提高了勝算,還增強了對手的預測能力。

1. 保守策略的缺點:保守策略可能導致過於謹慎,錯過了一些機會。在某些情況下,保守玩家可能會被對手抓住機會進行壓制。
2. 激進策略的缺點:激進策略的高風險可能導致大幅的損失,尤其是當對手有較強的牌時。激進玩家可能陷入搏命下注的循環,最終造成籌碼流失。
3. 混合策略的缺點:需要對不同情況做出快速的判斷,混合策略可能需要更多的經驗和觀察能力。
假設您在一場德州撲克比賽中手中的底牌是 A 心和 K 心。根據保守策略,您可以選擇跟注或小幅加注,觀察翻牌後的情況。如果翻牌後出現 A、K 和 Q,您已經有了一個頂尖的兩對牌型。在這種情況下,您可以選擇保守策略,逐步加注,讓對手誤以為您有一副更強的牌型。這樣的策略可以在對手以為您是最強牌的情況下,贏得更多的籌碼。
如果您手中的底牌是兩個 10,而翻牌後出現 9、8 和 J,您已經完成了一個順子。根據激進策略,您可以選擇大幅加注,迫使對手做出困難的決策。如果對手跟注,而轉牌和河牌的情況不利於您的順子,您可以選擇退讓,以避免進一步的損失。